A large selection of FREE digital image files will be made available for personal use (*) over the next few weeks.
(*) Personal use includes, but is not limited to: social media sharing, content creating, blogs etc.).
Possible available images include: prelims, behind the scenes, portraits & art images.
To gain FREE access to download any of your horse or stable’s images, simply email monicatoretto@gmail.com
The folder will be regularly updated with both new and back catalogue images over the next few months.
Terms and conditions:
- low resolutions files of selected images only
- personal use includes social media sharing/content
- please credit: Monica Toretto Photography
- not to be sold or used by a third party without permission (please email)
- not for commercial use (please email)
- high resolution files are available to purchase upon request
- excludes race winning photos ~ these are available to purchase as prints, enlargements, framed or unframed or as digital files by emailing monicatoretto@gmail.com
- the folder will be regularly updated